Top 3 sites to download high-quality images for free

Top 3 sites to download high-quality images for free

Are you looking for sites to download high quality images for free? Do you have your own store or website on the Internet and you are looking for exclusive 2022 images of high quality, although Google used to provide an infinite number of images, but recently it strictly applied property rights, as Google punished many sites for using Images that have ownership rights, and Facebook has blocked and closed many pages because of the same thing, and this happens at intervals every year.

 Now let's start presenting a list of the best free photo sites, with the most important advantages and disadvantages of each site, so that you can choose the most suitable one for your site or your accounts on social networking sites.

 1- Pixabay

Top 3 sites to download high-quality images for free

 It is one of the best sites that provide you with an infinite number of images that have already reached a million free images, and because of this popularity and quality, the giant Canva company bought it early this year to use it in the services it provides, not only that, but the site provides you with a smart search tool by size The image, its subject, or its name, most importantly, it provides you with the sizes that you may need within the various social media.

 This site also provides many types of images, normal, vector, or illustration images. It also enables you to search according to the type of background, whether transparent or a specific color, or according to the direction of the camera, vertical images or horizontal images.

 As for downloading images, you can choose the format in which you want to save the images on your device, including PNG – JPG – Sv, according to their availability on the site.

 2- Pexels website

Top 3 sites to download high-quality images for free

 This site is very similar to Unsplash in the way it displays images, it relies on collecting all the work of a specific photographer or artist in one profile, in addition to providing a follow-up to a specific photographer in particular so that you get a notification when he puts up any image in the future.

 This site also provides a free Plugin for the WordPress platform so that you can search for images directly from within your blog and easily add them to your site, the giant Photoshop program so that you can use the images directly in your professional designs, for Windows and for the Office program, and an addition to the Chrome browser so that you can easily use the images in the manufacture of any content you want And on any platform.

 All these characteristics make this site very wonderful for any novice designer or content maker who wants to save himself a lot of time and effort and at the same time outperform the competitors.

 3- Unsplash

Top 3 sites to download high-quality images for free

  This site is widely known among professional photographers, as its idea is to display the photos of photographers through their accounts, which is considered marketing for them, and in return they allow people to upload some of their photos and use them for all purposes, and it contains nearly half a million photos and more.

 What is distinctive about this site is the predominance of the artistic character, since it comes directly from professional photographers. Despite this, it does not provide several quality images when uploaded, nor does it contain vector images. It is important to know that most of the images on this site are It will be suitable for content related to travel, social experiences, and tips for living a better way

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